Dark Sky Ordinance amendment public hearing May 16

The Malibu Pier at night.

On May 16, the Planning Commission will hold an in-person public hearing at Malibu City Hall to consider an amendment to the City’s Dark Sky Ordinance to allow “light trespass” onto the public right-of-way for commercial and institutionally zoned properties. 

Residents, building professionals and businesses are encouraged to attend and make public comment. The staff report will also be available online prior to the meeting. at malibucity.org/agendacenter

The meeting can be viewed live or later on-demand on the city’s YouTube channel. Written comment can be sent to TEaton@malibucity.org. For more information, go to malibucity.org/DocumentCenter/View/29678/PHN_Dark-Sky-Ordinance and malibucity.org/705/Dark-Sky-Ordinance